Sunday, 4 December 2011

DIY 3 Stepper motor Controller

Here is very simple 3 stepper motor controller that uses parallel port interfacing from pc. It may be used for CNC machine, robotics, AGVs etc. I have used it in my small CNC machine that will be discussed in later post. I have followed this instructables link.
Things required:
  • Breadboard
  • 3 ULN 2003 (Stepper motor controller IC easily  available at electronics shops..........almost RS 15 each)
  • 3 Bipolar stepper motors (extract from scrap scanner)
  • DB 25 male parallel port connector
  • 12V Supply
  • soldering iron
  • wires
  • Basic knowledge of electronics...............etc

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

DIY 3-D Laser Scanner

“Cost Effective 3D Laser Scanner

This project is about making of  David 3D Laser scanner. It is very simple and easy to build, require no special skills and is really a fun..........
Equipment required is 

  • A Webcam.
  • Laser pointer.
  • piece of cardboard
  • A convex lens.....

Important part of this project is to convert point laser into line laser. Its a bit tricky but as simple as1  2 3..........
I have used convex lens for this. just place a convex lens infront of laser pointer, set it w.r.t required length of line and stick it there.

Simplest way to convert point laser into line laser

Line laser should look like this

Saturday, 1 October 2011

3-axis CNC machine Introduction & Purpose

Introduction & Purpose:

This product is to reduce the practical defiency among the new engineers. This replica of original CNC machine enables the engineering students to practically expose them towards the operating phenomenon of the CNC. The students are not allowed to operate an expensive CNC in the laboratories because if that CNC is miss-operated and gets breakdown, the troubleshooting cost will be high. The CNC fabricated by us allows the students to catch on experiential learning and understand programming running on the backend of the software along with its benefit of being extremely cost effective as it is made by recycled parts.
USES OF CNC:                                         
1       Use of CNC increases productivity in terms of machining tme, accuracy and wastege of material.
2       It is also great for reproducing the same, consistent results for mass production.
The codes of sketch drawn on the CAD software is send to the controller which transmits the signals to the stepper motor according to the dimensions which are encoded.
1       Controller is fabricated in such a way that it can be used for other purposes also like Robotics, Automatic machines, micro controller systems.
2       It is very effective for learning the stimulation of the G Codes and M Codes.
For the construction of electronic part of this machine click here 
For mechanics of this machine ..
click here:

Thursday, 7 July 2011

DIY Night vision webcam

 very simple and easy conversion of webcam into a night vision camera............
Things needed:
  •    an old webcam
  • Small piecde of  x-ray film
  •   screwdriver
  •   & some free time........


DIY Horizontal axis Windturbine

An introduction to Wind Energy

Concept of Free Energy:
                   Free Energy refers to extractable energy which is present in bulk amount around us.  We see the concept of free energy  since from the very early people of the world. Man used solar energy in extracting salt from marine water, wind energy in sailing ships in the waters and wind energy in drying wet clothes.